Conservation actions
C1. Vegetation management by means of controlled grazing
Mowing and dredging will be complemented with grazing wherever possible.
The selected areas for this method are those in which traditional management methods have been lost years ago, giving rise to opportunistic species and others of little priority at present. Reed beds and other formations will be created under technical supervision by each regional administration.
Diversification within these areas will further benefit the conservation of other threatened species, such as Panurus biarmicus, Locustella luscinioides, Acrocephalius melanopogon, A. arundinaceus and A. scirpaceus.
C2. Vegetation management by means of mowing
The helophytic formations in the project area will be mown by hand, with a tractor and mower, or using the amphibious mowing boat, and the plant biomass packed and removed.
Each season, only the central parts of the meadows will be mown, leaving a band of vegetation untouched along the streams and lagoon banks wherever possible. A rotation system will be practised for mowing each meadow to ensure there is always a sector offering the conditions needed by the aquatic warbler.
C3. Vegetation control by means of de-silting
In the lagoons of Boada and Pedraza (province of Palencia) organic matter and dead plants will be removed from the top few centimetres of the lagoon beds where an excess of organic debris has been accumulating for decades. These works will be performed in the summer and autumn of 2018, a period free from precipitation when the wetlands are at low water. This ensures that the impact on the wetland is minimal and the work can be completed with greater efficiency.
At the same time, rhizomes will be cut back to delay plant re-colonisation.
C4. Plantations and vegetation re-planting
In the lagoons of Boada and Pedraza (province of Palencia) organic matter and dead plants will be removed from the top few centimetres of the lagoon beds where an excess of organic debris has been accumulating for decades. These works will be performed in the summer and autumn of 2018, a period free from precipitation when the wetlands are at low water. This ensures that the impact on the wetland is minimal and the work can be completed with greater efficiency.
At the same time, rhizomes will be cut back to delay plant re-colonisation.
C5. One-off hydraulic works for improving flooding and water management
A variety of works will be implemented to improve water management in part of the wetlands, such installing sluice gates, building shafts, eliminating mounds, dredging drainage canals and improving water intake channels. These will also include the periodical inspection of sluice gates to ensure optimal water levels and habitat conditions.
C6. Control of American mink
To minimise the severe impact of invading species on Iberian ecosystems (in the case in hand, the lagoons and streams at Pedraza de Campos, Boada de Campos and Fuentes de Nava), monitoring campaigns will be conducted on populations of alien species, particularly the American mink. This invading species may threaten the aquatic warbler and many other species mainly as predator