LIFE/RN 2000
Regulation LIFE 2014-2020 sets forth the sub-programmes for the Environment and Climate Action in the LIFE Programme for the next financial period, 2014-2020. The budget for this period is fixed at €3.4b at current prices.
The LIFE Programme will contribute to sustainable development and the achievement of Europa 2020 Strategy aims and targets, the Seventh European Environment Action Programme and other EU strategies and plans for Environment and climate.
The Natura 2000 Network is a European ecology network of biodiversity conservation spaces. It comprises Special Conservation Zones (ZEC) established in accordance with the Habitats Directive and the Special Protection Zones for Wildfowl Directive (ZEPA) as designated in the Birds Directory.
Its aim is to assure the long-term survival of species and habitat types in Europe, thus contributing to arresting biodiversity loss. This is the principal instrument for nature conservation in the European Union.