The project’s first scientific ringing campaign is under way since mid-April at several wetlands in the region of Valencia to gather information on biological aspects of the passerines stopping at these wetlands to rest and feed during their migration.

Ringing is a scientific tool for studying the biological characteristics of birds. The technique consists of placing a metal ring on the bird’s leg. Each ring is numbered to identify the wearer. Marking each bird individually allows us to gather further information through recapture, such as demographic and population data, and the birds’ main routes of migration.

These sampling activities have allowed the first aquatic warbler to be captured, along with other marsh species such as the moustached warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon), a rare species whose main breeding grounds in Europe are the Mediterranean coastal wetlands. It is worth noting that ringed birds are also captured at other ringing stations in countries such as Belgium or Switzerland.

Ringing station 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Prat Cabanes – Torreblanca 1 1 1 1
Marjal dels Moros
La Marjal de Rafalell i Vistabella
Tancat de la Ratlla (PN Albufera) 1
Marjal del Pego Oliva 1

Figure 1. Aquatic warblers captured during the spring 2018 campaign (up until 18/04/2018)

The next campaign will take place during the autumn migration. If you would like to work with us on these ringing activities, please contact the technical team at LIFE Paludicola.


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